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Ben Thacker of the Miami New Times wrote that “Laramie Dean, the self-proclaimed surf-punk machine, disciple of surf-guitar god Dick Dale,” has a “(louder) brand of classic surf punk,” stating that Dean’s “virtuosity definitely kept the crowd’s attention, while providing a great segue to the main act.”

Flavorpill’s Jason Jeffers commented that “Surf-punk star Laramie Dean[‘s] … ripping, growling guitar transports anyone within earshot to 1960s California” and that “Dean has amassed nationwide acclaim.”

The Crossfire’s Pete Craven commented that “the very dapper Laramie Dean” was “easily one of the highlights” of Agent Orange’s European tour date at the legendary Camden Underworld.

Regarding Dean’s tour with Dick Dale, TX Underground wrote of Dean’s sound at the show of June 8 at Houston’s Continental Club: “Authentic reverb heavy Surf music, but with crunchy distortion, and a Punk attitude, it makes the term ‘Surf Punk’ well warranted.” Brian Mahar of St. Petersburg’s Patch, reporting on the June 11, 2011 sold out show at the State Theater, calls Dean “a legendary surf guitar player in his own right,” noting that Dean booked the entire Dick Dale-Laramie Dean tour without the help of a separate agent.